A platform for improving communities by fostering civic engagement.

We believe in citizen ownership and agency, the primacy of in-person connections over screen time, and the power of giving back.

Civioli is complete system for connecting and equipping citizens to make a positive impact on the neighborhood where they live. It empowers people with Kickstarter-style templated project ideas, safe methods for soliciting feedback, and built-in avenues for obtaining municipal buy-in and support.

Civoli is committed to maximizing the joy of being active in your community while minimizing the hurdles. It intelligently scales personal investment and level of difficulty to ensure activated citizens are empowered but not overwhelmed. It cultivates outreach and leadership to help sustain and regenerate interest over the long term.

Kickstarter Project Templates

Provide citizens with the ideas and guidance they need to succeed. Whether it's as small as organizing a single-day beautification event or as involved as redesigning a park, Civoli's project templates provide a step-by-step framework and tools to insure transparency, neighborhood buy-in and successful execution. Citizens can browse the projects for ideas and customize them to suit their particular community needs.

The project templates also provide a built-in mechanism for funding from a variety of sources (municipal, non-profits, grants, local businesses, and neighborhoods) and a direct means of connecting with others who have completed similar projects for tips and advice.

Conduit to the City

Civoli leverages citizen energy and insights to multiply the positive impact of municipal resources on neighborhood landscapes. Our specific tools for connecting cities and neighborhoods include a city-wide organization and volunteer registry, individual neighborhood dashboards, and a strategy catalog of city-initiated engagement programs.

At a high level, increased citizen engagement creates a virtuous cycle of reduced crime and city maintenance costs, so cities can in turn invest more funds directly into citizen-driven community improvements.

Integrated Reputation System

Building trust between neighbors and with city representatives is a crucial component of growing civic engagement. Civoli combines address verification, personal kudos, activity participation, and successful project completion to help neighbors establish reliable local networks. The system encourages respectful and supportive interactions, and rewards those who give back and take on leadership roles.

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

— Margaret J. Wheatley: Turning to One Another

“The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”

— David Graeber: The Utopia of Rules